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EZ Boards by Vidatak
Acute Care Boards when a person can't Speak

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Vidatek Basically has 3 groups of Boards

1. Language Word Boards  -- for both Non-English and Non-Verbal Communication.
They come in 20 languages wheres one side is is for ackts a a body locator and the other side has wording.    Their is also one in English that can be used to communicate with an English speaking person who cannot speak due to tubes, surgery or other reasons.   And the 20 non-English boards will also provide non-verbal communication.

2. ICU-Picture Board   Basically a board that is fully based in Graphic Images.
This board is only in English and communication is fully graphical on both sides so it would work for children of for a language not available in the Language Word Boards

3. EMS Board:  Newest board only available in English and Spanish (12/5/11-not available at this time)
The Emergency EZ Board was designed by EMTs and ER physicians for use with patients in the pre-hospital setting!


all Boards 11"x17"
All Boards are in-stock in Maryland and can ship in 24 to 48 hours
Remember Pricing on web is List and does not include resale and volume discounts   9/22/2011